ScanIT Core Logging Software

Modern Core Logging for a modern world.
Enhance your geological drilling with UCP's ScanIT software. A unique core logging and data presentation package to log, interpret, project and hold all necessary borehole details on any mineral exploration project.

Digitise your Borehole
Using a UCP camera cradle, photograph clear, none distorted images of your core samples either in the field or back at your core shed, using only your smart phone.

Easy and Customisable
Instant editing allows users to effortlessly mark out features on core samples, such as lithologies, planes, mineral veins, lineations and more.
Use custom RGB colour codes or project specific logging dictionaries.

Efficient and Precise Depth
Due to the unique optical recognition capabilities of ScanIT and the specifically embossed character design of UCP depth markers, ScanIT can locate and read the depth markers and automatically register any necessary data such as: forced/natural gaps and/or loss/gain zones

Live Stereonets
Using data input by users whilst logging, ScanIT can live produce stereonets with a click of a button. Detailing data such as structural tilt visually.

3D Orthographic Projection
In addition to producing stereonets, ScanIT can product a 3D orthographic projection. This greatly aids in mineral exploration, allowing for a real time accurate view, down hole of the core samples particular features, such as: joints, changes in lithology, fractures and more.

Down Hole Composite Log
ScanIT provides users with the ability to produce a composite log of the entire core series. This is done by stitching together all photographed and logged images as well as overlaying any data or points of interest users have input.

Import and Export Data
ScanIT allows users the ability to import or input their own logging parameters should you wish. Further, as each project is different, users can use or import their own logging dictionary to suit project specific needs. In addition, all data produced is populated into excel for easy viewing and exporting. Which can then be later imported onto geo-data bases or modeling software.
If you are interested in using UCP ScanIT core logging software on yourcurrent and future dirlling project, or would like to know more information on the product. Please feel free to contact us by filling out the form below.