Axial Supplies YouTube Channel launch. Find out more about our product lines, benefits to your mineral exploration project, cost saving and efficiencies. Transport and instructional videos.
Axial Supplies YouTuibe Channel

Axial Supplies YouTube Channel launch. Find out more about our product lines, benefits to your mineral exploration project, cost saving and efficiencies. Transport and instructional videos.
UCP core trays are among the most robust, safest core tray storage solutions on the market at present. With a host of add-ons, such as the ScanIT core logging software, storage pods for long term storage and transport. And roller logging tables for core analysis.
Rock chip trays are for surface and shallow drill sampling. Where material is too loose for standard core trays. A rock chip tray contains compartments, separate from each other for sample storage which prevents cross contamination.
Geological sample ticket books allow for the organisation of samples collection by field and mineral exploration geologists during the sampling stages. See how our range of ticket books offer benefits to your project and our range of designs.
Owing to an excellent year of supply and sales of our range of UCP Core Trays. We have currently in transit a second container of trays on their way. With a scheduled arrival of early to mid-November. Find out more here.
Brunton compasses. Family owned, geologist owned and US owned. This is now the status of one of geology’s most oldest and well known equipment brands. Brunton.
An look in to in-situ sampling processes in the field. And the advantages of having the Geo Factory portable core drill to do just the job!